School|2w 1d

I'll bet you're wondering how the new layout is coming, hmm? It's coming. Slowly.

I went to Miles' house after school today, and in the five minutes it took for my mom to pick me up (I lugged my 22-pound backpack from school to Safeway and back to Miles' house - I didn't feel like lugging it anymore at all), we ended up deciding we were gonna go catch the midnight showing of Harry Potter. So we are. In two and a half hours - and I'd like to snatch some z's before that, so I'll keep this short.


Abortion?: Torn. It isn't always the woman's fault if they get pregnant, and if they don't think they can support a child suffieciently, there's no point bringing it into the world. But if she conceived it of her own will ("casual" sex counts, in my opinion), then it's her own damn fault, and she should learn to live with the consequences, however whiny and messy they may be.

Death Penalty?: Against. "An eye for an eye" has gotten humanity nowhere.

Prostitution?: Tentatively against. It cannot POSSIBLY be good for your body/brain, and there's the whole AIDS threat going around - it might as well be a death sentance, y'know. But it's his/her choice. Whatever.

Alcohol?: For, but only if you drink responsibly. Don't drink and drive. DON'T drink underage. It kills your brain.

Marijuana?: Whatever. It's not my fault if the stoners get so hooked on it that they lose and shadow of free will.

Other drugs?: Ecstasy needs to be gotten rid of. Otherwise, see above.

Gay marriage?: For, God fucking damn it.

illegal immigrants?: For. They've done nothing to harm me or anyone close to me, and as far as I can see they won't in the first place. There's plenty of room in here, we might as well let them in.

Smoking?: -ponder- Against. It's a slow death, and second-hand smoke kills as well. I don't want to be killed because of the residue of someone else's mistake.

Drunk Driving?: Against. It's stupid, irresponsible, and potentially deadly.

Cloning?: Too ignorant to form a solid opinion.

Racism?: Against. I don't understand how anyone could be racist. We're all fucking humans, damn it!

Premarital sex?: -sighs- I don't think anybody under the age of 25 has the responsibility and maturity needed to have responsible sex, but then there's the fact that a guy's peak sexual maturity occurs in Highschool/eary college... if God didn't want us having premarital sex, he wouldn't be driving guys' hormones crazy a decade before appropriate marriage age, would He?

Religion?: All for. Just as long as no one is pressing their opinions on me, and just as long as no one thinks they're the next Jesus unless they can turn some of MY water into wine.

The war in Iraq?: Against.

Bush?: Fuck Bush. We could stick a monkey in office and get better results. Not to mention a better public speaker. Go fuck your damn dog, Bush.

Downloading music?: Downloading music legally - as in, off of music sites (Launch) or record label previews - sure. Pirating off of WinMX or Kazaa drains money from the artists who made the money.

I love my bands. I'll support them any way I can. They can have my money.

The legal drinking age?: -sigh- I don't know. I don't care.

Porn?: Porn tends to put girls down pretty hard. Sorry, guys, but I'm no basketball-chested, inhumanly bald, moaning, groaning, stick-figured sex machine. I won't be treated like a dog, and I don't want to be told to shove your massive cock down my throat, dammit.

Now, hentai, on the other hand...

Suicide?: -sigh- Against, tentatively, but there's so much psychological stuff involved that, unless you were suicidal or had suicidal tendencies, I doubt you'd ever be able to understand what was going on.

Because I am not, nor have I ever been, suicidal - even curious - I cannot even begin to fathom what might be running through their head. So I can't really offer an unbiased opinion. For my unbiased opinion, I think it's ignorant and selfish.

I don't want to lose someone to themself. I know humanity is stronger than that.


Move it, will ya?

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[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

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