School| 2w 3d

Do you know what today is?

Today, kiddies, is June 1st. Five months after January 1st. What does this have to do with anything? Probably nothing, unless you're me.

Or Ilya.


I'm working on a new layout, again with a grunge theme. It's almost complete, I just want to fiddle with a few things. I began it in hopes to create a cool Flash-oriented (not like that, you pervert) layout, but it ends up being a simple pop-up.

Which reminds me - disable pop-up blockers for this site now. Thank ya!


I guess there's enough school left that I can begin a countdown. So from now on, look at the top of my posts for the countdown.

... That's it.


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








And here...

[Deviant Art]



[hosted by]


music|I Something by Marilyn Manson