
I'm thinking about switching to a new blog hosting service. Diaryland is great -- if you have a gold membership, which I did up until April. Now that it's expired, I remember why Diaryland piqued me so much to begin with.

No offense or anything.

Anyway, I'm taking the time to do some quick bzoink! surveys, because I won't be able to update this thing for another two weeks (what with finals, and then a one week trip to Florida).

Knock yourselves out, kiddies.


What do you say when you stub your toe?: Normally a slur of creative cuss words. "Fuckinghelljesusshitlickingballslurpingdaughterofaho, that HURT" ... Or something like that.

What is the first thing you do when you get home?: Get the mail, grab a snack, log onto Ebay and check my auctions, read. In that order.

What is in your pocket?: My wallet.

What is the first thing you notice when you meet someone new?: Eyes or smile. One of the two.

A name that people call you that ticks you off?: How about... dyke? Haha. I'm not fat, I'm not a full lesbian, and I'm a sleaze only to one person. -snicker-

About how many pieces of clothing do you have in your closet that you actually wear?: Two pairs of shorts, a pair of athletic shorts, three pairs of shoes, a ton of t-shirts, two pairs of capris (one more than the other), pants.

Boxers or breifs?: Boxers.

Thong or undies?: Undies.

Do you own a Furby?: I had one, but I gave it to my sister. She's got three now.

Do you got milk?: No.

How bout chocolate?: No.

Top or bottem?: Uh... Middle?

Metallica or Nirvana?: Kurt Cobain all the way, baby.

How would you rate my surveys(#1,#2,#3,Sex survey and this one?): I've never taken any besides this one. 1/10, dolt - you made me retype all your questions. I can't stand caps locks.

Do you like Simple Plan?: About as much as I like the prospect of swallowing a vat of boiling slug guts, successfully deep-frying myself from the inside-out - alive.

... Reverse deep-fried Simple Plan. Oh, yum.



1 thing you dislike about yourself: Sensitive skin.

2 things you dislike about your homelife: Siblings, noise.

3 things you dislike about your friends: Hm... Ignorance, intolerance, erraticism... if that's a word.

4 things you dislike about school: Crowds, grodiness, homework amounts, IB classes

5 things you dislike about people: Germs, general intolerance, general ignorance, stupidity, bias.

6 things you dislike in general: Gay bashers, closed minds, twinks, hormone-high 12 year olds, those idiots who flood perfectly respectable forums with "I WANNA BF!!1" ads, anything with over 8 legs.


1 thing you like about yourself: Hm. Creativity.

2 things you like about yourself: Uh... Creativity and... intellect?

3 things you like about your homelife: General privacy, my own room, my dog.

4 things you like about school - ha: Lunch, dismissal, a select few people, trigonometry (don't kill me)

5 things you like about people: ... Oh crap, this shouldn't be this hard... Well, talking about certain people, hugs, empathy, open-mindedness, humor, ability to have fun

6 things you like in general: Cheescake, Pinapple Barbecue chicken, friends, reading, writing, drawing.

10 things you love: Ilya, AIM, the internet, blue hair gel (yum), Starbucks, my Vans, Aychie, the fact that school ends in a mere five days, the color gray, MUSIC.

And now, I have a puzzle to go crack.

The End

Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








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music|I Something by Marilyn Manson