Wow, so right now I'm pretty much in control of the house. Dad is out of the country, and mom is out of the state for the day. Her friend, Debbie, is going to pick me up later, and I'm going to stay at her house for the night. I guess that means I can't go hang out with Zak, Nick, and Charlie (whoever that is) tonight. Oh well.


I wish I could remember the Bio test. Maybe then I could gauge how well I did. As it is, all I remember is getting to number 30, thinking 'I'm halfway done... just 30 more and I can sleep...' I'm pretty sure I finished it, but I completely blanked out. That isn't good. Bio is one of my easy subjects, but it's really not a good sign when you can't even remember the freakin' test.


I think I managed to solidify friendships with Nick and Brad. Nick demanded I go to the mall with him next weekend, even though I told him that I'm not a big mall person. Then I remembered that Miles takes me there sometimes, and to all his stores - Abercrombie, Express, American Eagle and such - and Nick and Miles dress so much alike, it'll be like shopping with a less crazy, taller, blonder Miles! Zak is also going, I think, and he's more into Hot Topic stuff. Maybe I'll pick up some more spiking gel or something (I'm finally running out). Brad also told me that I was going to the town center with them next weekend whether I like it or not, basically. So I guess I have next weekend planned. All I have to do now is survive the week.


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








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music|I Something by Marilyn Manson