I believe humanity has reached a record low. I mean really. I record low.

Reader, meet Ebay - Ebay, the surplus store for the zany. You can buy anything on Ebay - clothing, vinyl, cell phone plans, neopets accounts... kangaroo scrotums (I'm dead serious). If it was allowed, you could probably buy yourself a personal sex slave. But this... this is a new low.

It probably is possible to find someone on there selling their screen name. For example, I am the proud owner of the three screen names "The Depotts," "Love The Depotts," and "I Love The Depotts." If someone were to want one of these, they may be willing to go so far as to pay for it (not that I'd ever sell them).


What about someone so amazingly confident in themself that they're bold enough to sell a conversation with them? And let me tell you, this girl is supersaturated with confidence. Exceedingly so.

She is just convinced that she is the coolest person you will ever talk to. But then again, you must be pretty cool to come up with such an idea, right? Right? Yes? No.

No, I wouldn't even waste 11 cents on that.

Please let me know if my logic here is off... 7 people have decided it is worth their 11 cents. Maybe it comes with being a 'nethead since fifth grade, but my buddy list ensures that I always have someone to talk to... but Jesus God above, who the hell would waste their money?


Ish: lol, 'nethead?

Ish: Never heard that before.

Rainbow of Grays: -shrugs-

Rainbow of Grays: Me neither.

Rainbow of Grays: I'm not sure where it came from.




Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








And here...

[Deviant Art]



[hosted by]


music|I Something by Marilyn Manson