I don't understand what kind of stupidity it must take to motivate someone to go through the painstaking steps of creating viruses for the mere enjoyment of lagging someone's computer. If you're going to waste time on a virus, let it be one that crashes chains of computers and duplicates itself into an army of infallible, unbeatable worms. Then the programming is worth your time.

This ties in with those fiendish little slugs that call themselves "hackers." Down-to-earth, hardcore hackers do not waste their time on freebie games (see: gunbound). Only scammers do. And I'll tell you something, if you fall for a scam or a bluntly OBVIOUS hack such as those ON the freebie games (see also: neopets), you have deserved the right to lose your account. Honestly.

And then we reach the third class, the lowest class amongst online games (which, despite initial attempts otherwise, is where this rant is going): the Twinks. Call them what you will - n00bs, idiots, crazies - they all fall under this category. They are the ones that create insanely "clever" (and I use the term quite lightly) hybrid languages (singlish, anyone la? liao leh) and then plague forums with their creation. Twinks are the ones who seem to forget that grammar exists. They are the ones with the mAlFuNcTiOnInG caps keys, the ones that are lazy enough to beg for items without working at all on their own. In essence, they are the lowest of the vermin in online games, surpassing even their hacking and scamming brethren.

And then, the "Kings" of the vermin scale, are the Godmodders. The ones who think they are the shit because of some reason or another. I'm thoroughly convinced that these kids are the youngest in a family of abusive siblings. They're sick of feeling small, so they act big on the 'net. And then they go home and slit their wrists because they can't make friends. But look on the bright side, people - at this rate, they'll kill themselves off before too very long.

[[Mind, although it annoys me beyond reason (which is why I try not to go off and dole out lashings to those who do it), I have no problem with people who type "u" and "r." I'm sure they're good people. I DO have problems with people who don't use the space bar, who have forgotten that cat does not have the letter 4 in it, and who think that repetitively sending "ioklfdskj" will cure lag problems. These people need to be whapped upside the head with Mallets of Knowledge, or else trashed completely. ((I didn't know where else in the post to put this))]]


Alright... now for some light onto my personal life.

I spent half of the morning tracking down a particularly sticky spyware file. For some reason Adaware couldn't get rid of it. It was a regkey, meaning it was running from a file hidden somewhere in the depths of a file hidden somewhere in the depths of my computer (I meant to type that). I managed to get rid of it, though.

It's been a good week. Very laid-back. I've actually been content-borderline-happy this past week. Less stressed, definitely. I got Joust - Mercedes Lackey's newest book. I have D.N Angel on its way. I updated my Shrine and I was rehired as co-owner of LoZ. I made two new friends on Gunbound, one new friend at a concert, and I've come close to talking myself into buying a month's worth of Ragnarok Online. Mom bought me two CDs - a compilation CD and NOFX's White Trash, Two Heebs, and a Bean- and treated me to Starbucks in the same hour. The only part that's missing - and perhaps the part that keeps my content from turning into outright ecstasy - is Ilya. But hopefully is phone line will be restored soon enough, and we'll just keep in touch via E-mail or something.

For now, I have a book to read.


((Just to illustrate the caste system of online vermin:))

1st Class (Godmodders)


2nd Class (Hackers/Scammers)


3rd Class (Twinks)


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








And here...

[Deviant Art]



[hosted by]


music|I Something by Marilyn Manson