Just a quick note about my layout...

Links are [bracketed]. Anthing in brackets is a link - so click it! Also, I didn't have any room for my tagboard. Maybe I'll put it on its own page, or maybe I'll recussitate my old guestbook... ooorrr maybe I'll just make you all IM you comments. -shrugs-

Today something hit me. Hard and fast. Like a 16-wheeler with bad brakes barelling down the highway.

Okay, maybe not like that, but not far off.

My stupid CD player... or, rather... my stupid $120 CD player stopped working a few months ago. I can't for the world fathom why, but it did. I got stuck shovelling the driveway today, and I vehemently REFUSE to shovel unless I can listen to music at the same time. Otherwise there's nothing to hear but the attractive "SKRIIITCH" of plastic on pavement, and the soft "pt" of fresh snow hitting the ground. Not that there's anything wrong with the way that sounds, it's just that it reminds me where I am and what I'm doing and just how cold snow gets.

So I'm looking frantically around for a working CD player, and mom comes up with some cheapass thing she bought for about 20 dollars at some store. The batteries inside were eroded, and there was white crap all over it. I cleaned it out with a tiny bit of water on Q-Tips (I felt like someone from CSI or something) and stuck in the batteries from my CD Player. Whaddya know, it works. And whaddya know, it has all the functions of my $120 CD player - MP3 playback included.

Uh... whoa. Was I ripped off or did we just get lucky the second time?

I took a screenshot of my new desktop wallpaper/winamp skin today. Wanna [see?]

Also, my current playlist is:

1. Everything About You (Three Days Grace)
2. Hands in the Estuary (Black Cat Music)
3. One Foot in the Grave (Black Cat Music)
4. Action (Blink182)
5. Fade (Blood for Blood)
6. Eating Toothpaste (Bratmobile)
7. Peer Pressure (Corrupted Morals)
8. Magic 8 Ball (Cub - Wynona Riders cover)
9. Think Twice (Eve6)
10. Sealed with a Kiss (The Eyeliners)
11. Phantom of the Opera (Me First and the Gimme Gimmes)
12. Americana (The Offspring)
13. Bondage (Oxymoron)
14. Benicia by the Bay (Pinhead Gunpowder)
15. Time Warp (Rocky Horror Picture Show)
16. Safe in Sound (Small Brown Bike)
17. Deconstruct Rebuild (Small Brown Bike)
18. The Kids Aren't Alright (The Offspring)
19. Why don't you get a Job (The Offspring)
20. See You Later Fuckface (The Queers)
21. Granola Head (The Queers)
22. Punk Rock Girls (The Queers)
23. It's Cold Outside (The Queers)
24. OK Apartment (The Oranges Band) 25. 27 Seconds of Flame (Even in Blackouts)
26. Missing Manifesto (Even in Blackouts)
27. Shut the Hell Up (Screeching Weasel)
28. Deep Wood (Avail)
29. Blitzkreig Bop (Screeching Weasel - The Ramones cover)
30. Fix (Avail)


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








And here...

[Deviant Art]



[hosted by]


music|I Something by Marilyn Manson