*inhales deeply*

This rant gets its own special page. It's another one of those blessed social status rants, the kind that won't change anything, that should be left untouched after middle school but never are, and the kind that are just good for letting off steam.


I isolate myself because people annoy me. Not all people, mind, but a lot. Everything I mention below will be stereotypical statements; as with anything there will be exceptions to the rule - examples of which I probably adore (Miles, for example). And when I say hate, rest assured it's just a faster way of typing "strongly dislike."

I hate anyone who advertises the fact that they fall under a specefic social category. It's like slapping on a bunny suit and telling the world you're a bunny. They can see already that you are, indeed, a big bunny. Mind, a few of them might see a big idiot, but what's the difference? Voicing what you are is redundant. It shows insecurity, at least in my eyes. And besides, if you're visually voicing it (oxymoron) on a t-shirt... well, all the t-shirts you buy these days that say "PUNK" or "SKATER" are NOT punk or skater shirts. They're prep shirts with a twist. And ditto with the prep shirts... it's advertisement (hello, Abercrombie and Fitch - make an army of mindwashed slaves that spend twenty bucks a pop on advertising for you... no thank you). 100% mercantilism (somewhere in the world, that's a word...), commercialism (there we go).

I don't want to be a walking advertisement unless I get to dress up in a cow suit and tell people to "eet mor chikn." (Slowly this is turning from a war against labels to one against commercialism...) But it's everywhere! T-shirts, hoodies, pants, sneakers, socks and underwear, for crying out loud.

I've got three yards of denim up in my attic waiting to become a pair of pants. I've got my eye on a set of 200 pyramid studs and an oxymoron shirt to refine my nike hoodie, and a box of pins to get rid of the horrid nike swoosh that's currently poisoning just left of my neck.

Are you ready, commercialism? Because one of these days my clothes stores will be to you like SquareEnix is to TecMagik. I'll cater to all the unlabled social rats of the ladder, and all of my clothes will be void of insignia; a name on a tag, perhaps, but no stitched crests.

The world will walk with my shoes, flaunting themselves without advertising for me.

And then where will you be?

Without a mindless army. Without free advertising. Crushed beneath the foot of THIS giant bunny suit!

... So now do you believe me when I tell you all of my rants are completely unplanned? Did you see how that went from anti-social label to anti-commercialism? And that last line there... bunny suits... where the heck did that come from? It barely makes sense there, even with the metaphorical definition above.

Ohhhh well.


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








And here...

[Deviant Art]



[hosted by]


music|I Something by Marilyn Manson