The other day Lil chided me for not writing about my Christmas experience. She also mentioned that it was pathetic I was writing about something that happened in september on Christmas Eve.

Here are my valid excuses...

I'm been a tumult of emotions recently, and if I even began to hint on any of them, I'd let loose a TYPHOON, which could possibly shatter a few things that are very important to me. And besides, if I began writing about it, I'd lose all of you while I was desperately trying to figure out what it is I want.

This is why I need a good irl journal.


I don't write about Christmas because it's a story you read every fucking year. It's nothing new. My Christmas is like anyone else's, excepting the fact that I don't know many other people who play bells on Christmas/Eve services (which, yes, I do - I'm just full of surprises!). Mind, this doesn't mean I don't care about anything anyone sent me - all of them were lovely gifts. If I listed them all I'd feel greedy or selfish... arrogant... show-offy, if you will.

Just one thing - no more sketchbooks! I have seven to fill!

So my birthday is coming up (exactly a week and a day after Christmas - damn handy, I tell ya). Unfortunately, Cee, we are going to have the party without you. But I'm sure that my party will be nothing compared to your vacation.

So we're gonna have a "slumby parter" (and inside joke I expect none of you to find funny) after duking it out at Ultrazone.

In case you don't know what an Ultrazone is, let me tell you. Lasertag. Lasertag in a big, honkin' arena with ramps to trip on, black walls to run into, and all sorts of other cheaply made wooden crates and whatnot to break and be broken by. And that's just touching the basics.

Oh, and when we go back to my house with all of our bruises, I can make everyone a pizza with my new pizza maker (see, that is a perfect example of one of those gifts someone gives you knowing full well they'll be using it more than you will. It's like my brother buying my dad a Star Wars game... which has happened)! And then we can sprawl out on the ground in my basement and watch a movie.

I'm still fighting for the guys to stay over. Or rather, for the guy (singular) to stay over (Miles, I hope you don't mind being the only male in attendance!).

I finally got Marmalade Boy 3... Geez. It took a year.

Oh, also, I've begun to work on my gallery. It's got the worst name in the world at the moment - Dragonsheart Graphics - but that's okay. Maybe that'll actually mean something some day.

Eventually that will be up.

And now I'm going to go design Jot and Bunni.


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








And here...

[Deviant Art]



[hosted by]


music|I Something by Marilyn Manson