Well, here we are, the last day of 2003. 2004 is a mere 7 hours and 49 minutes away. Keeping that in mind, I'm just going to list a few good times I've had this past year - or maybe events I never want to repeat, but that stand out in my memory anyway.

I'll try to keep them in chronological order, but my brain is as messy and flyaway as my room is...

First and foremost there's Dustin. Technically speaking we hooked up in 2002, but we were together for only a month before '03 rolled around. *coughs* Anyway... Contradicting things I've said repetitively over the past few weeks, now that I've thought about it, I really don't think I want to go back and do things all over again. Things just happen. I learned a lot from him; little things like what movies are good, to big things better comprehended on a deeper scale - and some not at all until I'm older and I've had the sort of experience(s) he's had. He's done so much for me, and I won't let myself ever forget him.

Second, this year I really became good friends with Miles. He's a great pal, and I love spending time with him. We're dorks alone, but together we could almost - almost - kill with our amazing(ly stupid) stunts and whatnot [Exhibit A: Flying Toast...]. A lot of the quotes I have up in my AIM Profile come from happenings at his house or on walks home from school - all of them are stupid, random, and crazy, but I bet if they weren't I wouldn't remember them as clearly, nor cherish them as much.

And because I just have to mention this... even though my trip to New Orleans over the summer was a big letdown, it wasn't all for moot. I actually managed to become a little bit closer to my sister; for three whole weeks we were sisters, not strangers living in the same house. I saw a lot of supremely cool things, met a few interesting people, and kicked ass in all the video games I played whilst travelling. I also rediscovered the Brendan Leonard Show... and missed who won the "Who Wants to Date Brendon Leonard" contest (anyone care to share? ^^; ).

I made my computer, and that was quite an experience... Somewhere I have poloroid shots of Aychie before and after assembled. Dad and I went to Starbucks to take advantage of their free X Hours on their new wireless internet connection (replace X with the actual amount of hours it was... I can't remember), and ordered all the pieces from NewEgg. I learned that just because you're building your computer does not neccessarily make it any better than one already on the market; very possibly one you could buy for half of what you could make one for.

And finally, the first 75 days of my highschool experience. Initially an indifferent occurance, but I'm beginning to realize that high school is, while a busy, bustling, people-filled jail-resembling building, it is also the place where I will be spending perhaps the most important four years of my educational life.

And now, my resolutions...

I want to draw and write more often. I draw a lot now, but I rarely finish what I begin or really dedicate myself to what I'm drawing (save for something of Elazul I did a while back). Also, I write fairly well, and I think it's time I started using this creative mind - already saturated with billions of great storylines - for something other than cartoony doodles.

I MUST stop slacking. There's no reason whatsoever for me to skim off the last question or two on a homework assignment. It's only shooting myself in the foot.

... I s'pose I'll think of more as the year goes on, but that's enough for now, right? ^^;


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








And here...

[Deviant Art]



[hosted by]


music|I Something by Marilyn Manson