Mmmmwow, what a day.

One of these days, I promise, I'll come on and write something witty and worth reading. Until that happens, which it will, you get to drag your way through mindless crap.

I really hate that school is taking up so much of my time. And I really, really hate that I'm so damn forgetful - my grades should suffer due to lack of understanding (which is easily fixed), not due to slack and forgetfulness. It bites my ass, and I can't get it to stop! Bleah. And besides, I really wanted to get started on some serious art - I have a manga planned and I wanted to do some realism of Vanyel and Tylendel, maybe Stef if I care to (I liked 'lendel more than Stef), and I wanted to start playing with paints and more computer graphics - plus I wanted to start writing something, but I don't have the time to plan it out, letalone begin it.

All of this reminds me of this story I heard about this guy who went to my school. He did alright in most of his classes, but his real talent lay in cooking. Well, he dropped out of school - with his parents' permission, even - when he was 18 and became a chef. His talent was noticed quickly, and today (years later) he makes quite a bit of money as the head chef at some decently popular restaurant.

Funny, isn't it?

Not that I'm thinking about dropping out or anything. Some of my classes are interesting and worth sticking around for. It's just Geometry and Spanish that get me down, and it seems that my mind builds up some sort of homework ignorance to English. Maybe it's our teacher - she's technically not a fully 'certified' teacher; she's just helping out, and she'll be gone after the winter holidays. She's damn peppy, and as much as I respect her attempts, she's trying way too hard. I can't really explain it; you'd have to be there to understand it all. Oh well. She's new at this.

Well, I better go get ready for Teddy's party. I can't say what I got her yet, she might read this. :x

I'll be back tomorrow at 11.


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








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[Deviant Art]



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music|I Something by Marilyn Manson