do you concider music...
evil:Absolutely not.
good:More than that!
hypocritical:Depends on the band.
pathetic:Depends on the singer *cough*
creative:Hell yes.
demonic(evil again):My music? Oh, yes. Very.
happy:Not here.
sad:Uh... I listen to some sad music...
what music do you listen to:Varies. Punk, rock, j-pop (The Japanese do pop so much better than the americans do), j-punk, alt. rock.
what do you think about...
puertorricans(like me):Um... indifference?
cubans(like my mom):Indifference.
punks:There are no true punks, as punks never admit to being that. It's an unwritten law of soceity, and so... I despise punks. With a burning, fuming passion. They're all posers.
emo kids:HAH! I cannot get enough of those guys. "My rubber duck got chewed to death by my dog... I'm gonna go write a song about it."
preps:True preps don't call themselves preps. I don't know what the 'prep' you know of is, but I hate them.
any other label youd like to add:Labels. Labels are evil.
do you even label yourself?:ONLY for the sake of lack of confusion. Otherwise, I am myself only. I have a name. If you're gonna call me anything, call me by my name.
what the hell for ?:Because... that's what names are for...?
fill in the blank
sheena is:obviously someone I don't know.
ill be:myself, thanks.
fuck my:siblings. Repetitively. With a broom. Or a knife. Whichever is handier.
you:can leave me alone now.
i want you to:go away?
here:is my room... and over here is my bed... and there, my picture... of someone...
yes:I do value my drawing skilly, thank yu
isnt liam lynch:a complete stranger?
band:Small Brown Bike, Oxymoron, The Offspring, Greenday
song(s):So many. You'd shoot me before you finished reading the list.
day:Wednsday - hump day! - or Friday.
place:My room...
body part:*smirks* Why, my hands, of course. I can't draw without them. ;)
movie:Pirates of the Caribbean, Edward Siccorhands, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke
animal:Bunni! (I know you weren't expecting that)
car:OU... Ford... Explorer, I think it was, or P.T Cruiser.
cartoon:Cartoon? Does Anime count? What about The Lion King?
dog breed:Huskey, Pomeranian, or Lab/Golden like my Jeanette ^^
cerial:Your spelling is horrid. I forget what it's called... oatbran or something.
pizza topping:Chicken Alfredo, like at Papa John's.. *shivers with pleasure* To DIIIEEE for....
subject:Art (no brainer there)
soda:Sierra Mist
pen:Um... BIC's jelly roller ones... the ink is so smooth, and the red really, really looks like blood.
hand:My right. Can't draw for crap with my left. So remember people, if I say I'd sacrifice my right hand for something - that carries a LOT of value.
accesory:Um... my necklaces?
shoes:Ou, my nike-wannabes. Comfy, and I don't have to worry about tying them. :D
store:Hm. Does EBay count? Barnes and Noble, maybe. Starbucks?
book:Toughie... I think I'll have to go with Magic's Price or Magic's Pawn... I love Vanyel to death ;.;
book based film:NOT Harry Potter. NOT LotR, either. Interview with the Vampire? (Too bad I haven't seen it yet XD)
sandwich:. . . Tuna salad sandwhich. Yum.
body of water:... The creek in my backyard.

givemesomegum brought to you by BZOINK!

What time do you get up?:6:01. Yeah, 01. *shrugs*
How do you get to school?:Bus sometimes, sometimes mom or dad gives me a ride.
If you knew you were dying tomorrow, who would you say your goodbyes to 1st:Dustin or Shun. I'd hunt them down.
Easiest class?:Art.
What month is your birthday?:January.
How old were you when you got your first kiss?:Uh... Oh! like 3. or 4. Some guy named Ian. Not that I remember it; my mom told me, actually... *shrugs* Awkward moment that led to.
How old were you when you started high school?:14.
Are you hooked on the internet?:HELL YES. It is my DRUG, and I can't fscking get OFF it!!
Do you like going to school?:Feh. Not really.
Are you a morning person?:HAHA! No.
When's the last time you had a b/f or g/f?:... About... a month ago. My anniver.. er... would-be anniversary passed just a week ago.
Do you play any instruments?:I used to; Piano. No longer.
If so, what?:Oh. Heh. Piano.
What's your favorite season?:Well... either Winter or Autumn. I'm gonna go with Autumn.
What's the name of your best friend?:Whoa. I almost typed Alyse. O.o Nostalgic habit. Um... Leah, Miles, Onii-san, Lil.
Rather be too hot or too cold?:... That's tough. Too hot... I think. You can always strip. ;)
Cats or dogs?:Bunnies.
How many blankets do you sleep with?:2. Comforter, then a knitted blankie my great grandma made. It's SO WARM!
What are your parents' names?:Michale and Marey.
Do you have a crush?:Hai.
How long have you had a crush on this person?:About two years.
Do you practice a religion?:Mmhmm.
If you saw Brittney Spears somewhere, what would you do?:SHOOT HER DEAD.
If you saw Pres. Bush somewhere, what would you do?:SHOOT HIM DEAD.
Do you have a secret you've never told anyone?:*nods* Plenty.
Do you have a secret you've only told one or two people?:Sure, but I think word got around anyway.
Who do you trust to keep your most important secrets?:My closest friends and no one else.
Do you tell your parents everything?:x.x No.
Do you think your parents are nice people at heart?:Oh, definitely!
Do you have a relative that you really do not get along with?:Ehhh well my cousins are always pickin' on me, but I still get along with them... so no, not really.

[here] brought to you by BZOINK!

What's a weird fear you have that no one else probably does?:Um... well it's not my fear of clowns, that's for sure... OH! I know. How many people are scared of dolls? Nice, pleasant, porcelain dolls?
Is not Jon Stewart great?:Uh... Sure.
What song are you listening to?:Some Disturbed song. Believe, I think. Not too good, but I'm too lazy to change it.
Best face wash/acne fighting product?:... I dunno what it's called. It's perscription crap. Cold as hell and dries out your skin fast-like, but it works.
How loud do you sneeze?:LOUD! XD I can't hold back sneezes to save my hide.
Do you like your handwriting?:Eh... depends. When I'm in a rush it's worse than chicken scratch, otherwise it isn't TOO bad...
Ugliest color you've ever seen?:Puce. It even has an ugly name.
Does having matching socks matter to you?:Nope. My pants cover my socks. *shrugs*
If you were in band, what would you call it?:Trippin' on Tylenol, No Clue (just to give the DJs a tough time ;))
Last time you were on a plane?:A few years ago headin' out to Cali
Have a digital camera?:Nope ;.;
How big is your TV?:Uh... *shrugs* Not big screen. Regular, I gues.
Have you ever heard of Mystery Science Theater 3000?:Nope.
How many pillows do you sleep with?:2.
sXe.. good or bad?:I am! It's good.
Most annoying commercail ever?:OMFG THE OLD NAVY COMMERCIALS... AHHHH!
Lamest pick-up line ever?:"Are your parents retarded? 'Cus you're one special girl." Wtf? XD
Dumbest song ever?:Dear Diary by Britney Spears...?
Worst way to die?:All alone.
Who's the funniest comedian?:Mr. Klinke! XD
Ever been in a car accident?:Nope.
Ever had braces?:Nope.
Do you know HTML?:Yes.
What's the most useless class in school?:PE.
Best Jones Soda flavor?:Jones Soda?
Something you collect?:Manga
Something you're allergic to?:Possibly wheat ;.; Glusomething intolerant. Gonna go to an allergest to get tested. HOW MUCH WOULD THAT SUCK!?
Something you wish would die?:What? Oh. My siblings?

[randomosity] brought to you by BZOINK!

'k, that's enough.


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music|I Something by Marilyn Manson