Got the new layout up... I love the image of Satoshi, but I hate how the entire layout seems to just sit there. It needs a frame or something to tie it together.

And as for all of you still stuck on 800 by 600, I DON'T CARE! So my layout will look like complete crap to you, but it's just too hard to get it to work decently on 800 x 600 as well as 1024 x 768 - so feh. It goes on 1024 x 768, because that's what I use, and I designed it.

So I'm being selfish. So sue me.

Holy crap, strange things happen at midnight sunday morning.

Brace yourselves.

Nessa (11:42:50 PM): Oh man

Miles (11:43:00 PM): what?

Nessa (11:43:11 PM): I just finished the last book in a series I've been reading

Nessa (11:43:18 PM): and it made me cry XD

Nessa (11:43:20 PM): It was so sad

Miles (11:43:24 PM): aww

Nessa (11:43:27 PM): Yeah

Miles (11:46:29 PM): what happenen?

Nessa (11:46:36 PM): Not much

Miles (11:46:36 PM): happpened*

Nessa (11:46:39 PM): Oh

Nessa (11:46:46 PM): He was trying to hold off an army

Nessa (11:46:49 PM): Van

Nessa (11:46:53 PM): and they killed him

Nessa (11:47:00 PM): And his lifebonded, Stefen, felt him die

Nessa (11:47:03 PM): and it was so sad

Nessa (11:47:26 PM): and then Van's ghost 'haunts' these woods, Forest of Sorrows, and Stef goes there to commit suicide

Nessa (11:47:31 PM): (enlighting, I know)

Nessa (11:47:49 PM): but right as he's about to drink the poison, Van's ghost appears to him and starts chiding him

Nessa (11:47:58 PM): and I make it sound so lame

Nessa (11:48:00 PM): /sappy

Nessa (11:48:02 PM): but it was really sad

Miles (11:49:30 PM): thats so sad

Nessa (11:49:30 PM): brb

Nessa (11:49:33 PM): It was x.x

Nessa (11:49:40 PM): You'd prolly have to read all of them to get the full effect though

Nessa (11:49:41 PM): brb

Miles (11:53:02 PM): k

Nessa (11:53:05 PM): backie

Nessa (11:53:06 PM): lol

Miles (11:53:10 PM): yay!

Nessa (11:54:21 PM): hee

Miles (11:58:49 PM): its like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!!

Nessa (11:59:39 PM): XD

Miles signed off at 12:00:30 AM.

Miles signed on at 12:01:53 AM.

Miles (12:02:55 AM): hihihihihi

Nessa (12:03:15 AM): lol

Nessa (12:03:18 AM): hyper, are we?

Miles (12:03:21 AM): a tad

Miles (12:03:28 AM): i cant stop laughin

Miles (12:03:29 AM): g

Nessa (12:04:05 AM): XD

Miles (12:04:23 AM): isnt the name sally the most annoying name ever?

Miles (12:05:23 AM): i think of a smelly farm girl

Miles (12:05:32 AM): whenever i hear that name

Nessa (12:05:54 AM): XD

Nessa (12:05:56 AM): So do I

Nessa (12:06:21 AM): With big blonde curls spraying out from underneat a gigantic puffy pink bonnet with tiny white stripes and lace lining

Nessa (12:06:44 AM): and eyes that are so blue you wanna ask what color crayon she used to color them

Miles (12:06:54 AM): yea!

Miles (12:07:03 AM): and mud stains on her ass

Nessa (12:07:11 AM): and she's standing there in a frilly pink dress that exactly matches her bonnet with a basket of chicken eggs clutched in her hands

Nessa (12:07:11 AM): XD

Miles (12:07:17 AM): from hanging out with the pigs

Nessa (12:07:20 AM): XD

Nessa (12:07:27 AM): "Why hi there, stranger, I'm Sally!"

Miles (12:08:03 AM): *picks nose*

Miles (12:08:13 AM): oink!

Miles (12:08:25 AM): here piggy piggy piggy!

Miles (12:08:40 AM): *grabs axe*

Miles (12:08:47 AM): oink oink.... oink?

Miles (12:08:58 AM): oink!!

Miles (12:09:07 AM): CHOP

Nessa (12:09:08 AM): XD

Miles (12:09:15 AM): HACK HACK HACK


Miles (12:09:29 AM): *squirt squirt splatter*

Miles (12:09:40 AM): hysterical laughter

Miles (12:10:31 AM): oh my god

Miles (12:10:34 AM): i hate that name too

Miles (12:10:38 AM): peggy sue

Nessa (12:10:43 AM): XD

Nessa (12:10:56 AM): It reminds me of some hick's aunt or cousin or something.

Miles (12:11:11 AM): same

Miles (12:11:13 AM): argh

Miles (12:11:18 AM): kill kill kill

Nessa (12:12:05 AM): lol

Miles (12:13:24 AM): haha

Miles (12:15:54 AM): i just showed jason the convo

Miles (12:15:56 AM): lol

Nessa (12:16:01 AM): lol

Miles (12:16:31 AM): peggy sue

Miles (12:16:35 AM): hahahahahahahahahahahahaa

Nessa (12:16:36 AM): XD

Nessa (12:16:44 AM): Peggy sue the since deceased pig...

Nessa (12:16:50 AM): or... relative that was mistaken for a pig

Miles (12:17:11 AM): lol

Miles (12:18:16 AM): we';re so morbid

Miles (12:19:29 AM): oh my god

Miles (12:19:49 AM): "aaaaaaaaughggddljdgyaahaaaahh" *glances around hall.* er...

Nessa (12:20:07 AM): XD

Nessa (12:20:09 AM): Shhh

Miles signed off at 12:21:33 AM.

Miles signed on at 12:21:39 AM.

Miles (12:21:45 AM): ohmygod

Miles (12:21:52 AM): did you close my window?

Nessa (12:22:15 AM): No

Miles (12:22:37 AM): can you email me the convo? i want to save it. its too funny

Nessa (12:23:20 AM): Okay XD

The stupidity is overwhelming, but GOD it made me LAUGH. I wish I saved the chat convo... it was even funnier. Our conversation including everything from Yaito (Digimon fans, untie unite!) to fermenting feti.

Yes, feti.

The plural form of fetus, of course.


Oh, by the way, if your name is Peggy Sue, beware axes. If you're Sally, wipe that mud off your ass.


Isn't it funny? We're this technologically advanced race... we're practically up to the point were we take the role of God and create life. And yet, through all our medical advances and whatnot, the common cold still crushes even the strongest human and sends them to bed.

"Hi, I just blew up a whole city with a bomb I made for a hundred bucks! *sneeze**COUGHHACKWHEEZE**die*"

When I die, I want to be reincarnated as a cold germ. The world would be mine!


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








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