I almost forgot to post an entry today. Tsk.

I think I have a twin somewhere, in personality if not in looks. So there I am browsin' around the Mercedes Lackey Qan'A, and I stumble upon this:

Well, like the subject says, it's not a question, so I won't be disappointed if you don't post it. ;) I just didn't know where to send this, so I hope I haven't done something wrong here! I apologize if I have. I just wanted to say, I am addicted to your books, Mercedes! I've been looking for that special author whose books I can't wait to gobble up, and I've finally found you. :) I tried your books after seeing a review on Amazon that mentioned Vanyel being shaych, and as a bisexual girl, it was great to be able to read a good fantasy novel (trilogy, even!) with such a person as the main character. I've now picked up Brightly Burning, and I can barely put it down. I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you for writing such excellent books! Also, I'm very sorry to hear what's been going on, and I'm not offended. (I'm Pagan. ;) Every group has their crazies. Just stay safe! Take care, and Lord and Lady bless!

So it isn't exactly me, but it's pretty close to it. Almost scary. The only difference I can see is that the girl is Pagan. Otherwise it's me, me, me, and me.

CJ, is her name. *ponder* I wonder where she lives. I'd like to meet her sometime.

Y'know, I never thought I'd see the day my parents would disallow me a book. I just want one book for the ride up to Cape Cod - one measly, 7 dollar book - but no. I could be asking for something a lot bigger - a digital camera, a new set of prismacolor pencils, the Hellsing perfect collection... but instead, I'm asking for a book.

Okay, maybe three.

... But STILL!

Off to Cape Cod until Friday -- no updates until then


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








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