Way to go, Nessa. You totally jinxed yourself.

A few days ago I was sitting around in my sparse pile of homework - a mere ten minutes, of that - and actually complaining about it.

"Pre IB 9 my ass. I got this much homework in the sixth grade. Where's the challenege? Where's the clich�d social-life-muncher, the mountains of homework my teachers swore me last year?"

The next day it happened.

It wasn't a sudden thing; there wasn't a magical blue lightning bolt followed by an avalanche of books and homework (stay with me figuretively here, people). It was actually pretty gradual. No one class assigned an overload of homework; more that no one class didn't assign less than the usual amount of homework.

The first week and half had been warm-up, that's all.

Today I actually had to ask one of my teachers that she not assign to much. Already I had a world history project, a biology worksheet, two quizzes to study for, and a full weekend (what with reffing soccer, playing soccer, reffing soccer again, and a day at Six Flags [link!]). One of the people in the class laughed at me, and for reason.

"Kid, this is the IB course - you're gonna get a LOT of homework." (not verbatim, but you get the idea {and yes, kiddies, I just used a vocab word XD})

Alright, true.

So I still got the homework - and a bonus! Classwork that the class hadn't finished 'cus we'd been talkin to much.

I finished both at lunch.

Many might agree with me when I say 'AOL sucks.' I used to agree with myself once, too.

My perspective has since changed, though.


Well without AOL, there would be no AIM. Without AIM, I wouldn't know Dustin. Enough said right there. I could go on and list all of my close online friends... I'll save you the boredom, though.

Besides. AOL owns Six Flags.

So what? SO WHAT!? Well I'll tell you 'so what!'

Cee's dad works for AOL. There is a day in September when SixFlags is closed to the public. Only the employees and their families (and in this case a friend to boot) are allowed into the park.

Do you know what that means!?

Short. Lines. I can't even begin to explain it to you - you'd probably think I was lying.

I went with Cee last year, and lemme tell you, I had one HELL of a time.

When I walked into the park I was deathly afraid of roller coasters. When I walked out I was a changed person, already counting down the days 'til the next time I'd get a chance on The Superman. No.... Counting down the days 'till the next time I'd be able to ride The Superman five times in a row.

Yes. The operators don't stop the ride if there's no line waiting, save for letting those with weaker sotmaches off.

Cee and I have sworn to ride that thing many times over. We have a sort of verbal agreement, repeated in only one line (which was shouted repetitively across the lunch table earlier today).


I'll decode it for you.

Front seat = Front row.

Eyes open = Eyes open.

Arms up = Arms up.

Well now that I've cleared that up...

There's a drop (190 feet, I believe) right off. You go up the ramp, stop for a minute, and then plummet 190 feet towards the ground at 75 MPH. Not the world's fastest ride, but a definite rush, especially for one who despises fast-moving viehicles of any kind and heights (such as myself).

Anyway... Cee and I have sworn that this time we'll be in the front row. We will have our hands up for the drop (I will at least; Cee is in danger of flying clear from the seat). We will also have our eyes open for the drop; If the wind rips out our dried eyeballs, well then we can just sue!

Our little trip to Six Flags is this Sunday... provided the weather is right.

I hate to end so abrubtly, but I have a party to go to.


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








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music|I Something by Marilyn Manson