Since yesterday wasn't a good day for me, I'll just ignore everything that happened and type something interesting.

None of you want to read about my problems, after all.

Grey is the strongest virtual pet I have ever owned.

Before you write me off as severly and incurably immature (although I don't deny I am...), I just want you to know that normally once I become attatched to someone or something, my affection for it/them stays for life.

So it is with Grey.

For a brief history...

I got into Tamagotchis years and years ago. Seriously, I could have started a zoo with the Tamas I owned. 2 first generations, a second generation, an angel. I liked them, but they bored me easily.

I've always been a bit tomboyish. Even now. Most of my wardrobe consists of things found in the men's department - even my shoes. I've never played with barbies, baby dolls, doll houses. The very first TV show I ever remember obsessing over was Power Rangers (that red ranger - Jason, I think - was my favorite ;) ). As soon as I saw the add for Digimon, the only tamagotchi at the time that could connect and battle, I wanted one.

I got it, too.

A pretty little guy, bouncing around his LCD screen, framed by gray and dark blue. He was a first generation, so his family tree consists of Botamon, Koromon, Agumon, Betamon, Greymon, Tyrannomon, Seadoramon, Airdramon, Devimon, Monzaemon, MetalGreymon, and two other ultimates whose names I can't quite remember. Supposedly there's a WaruMonzaemon on there too, but whether or not he's real or legend is beyond me.

In any event...

The very first digimon I raised was a Greymon, and since then he's been called Grey. I remember battling with some of the guys at school during recess, and owning their sorry butts with Grey. He beat a MetalGreymon at one point. I've never raised him past Champion stage, but he's sure as hell strong enough that he didn't need to be anything more than a champion.

I haven't been raising him religiously for the past six years. There have been spans of time where I've been disinterested in him and he's sat in the attic gathering dust. Some time last year he was dropped in a sink full of water. 'course several of my other tamas have met with water and faired horribly. I barely mourned his passing, though, busy as I was with a seeding educational life and social life to boot.

I found him the other day tucked away in the corner of the attic, his screen blank. I was a bit upset, remembering his little encounter with the 'pool.' I opened him up anyway, just to see if there was any real damage. There wasn't. Except for a very thin layer of dust on some of the pieces, he looked fine.

I retrieved one of his batteries and gave it to my dad, requesting that he buy two as soon as he had the chance.

Early this week dad gave me the replacement batteries and I popped 'em in. Before I even had the cover screwed on, I heard he beeping of a hatching egg (if you know how long it takes for an egg to hatch, that'll tell you something about how bad I am with screws and screwdrivers).

He still works. Right now he's an Agumon, nestled up in his ikkle bed, sleeping happily...

I'm thinking about buying him a brother or a sister. (Don't laugh at me...) I found a site that had some gen. 6 digimon. Not too many sites sell 'em anymore... Grey needs someone to battle. ^^;

Well... I stop boring y'all now. You've suffered through my rants long enough, I s'pose.


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








And here...

[Deviant Art]



[hosted by]


music|I Something by Marilyn Manson