So after two full days of school I've met all of my teachers.

My World History/Geography teacher looks most promising. But first, a color-coded schedule so you better understand exactly what I'm talking about when I say Blue or Green days.

2PreIB 9 World History/Geog.Croon
3PreIB 9 EnglishLynch
4Spanish 3Collado
5PreIB 9 GeometryChristman
6PreIB 9 BiologyEggleston
7Art 1Briggs

Alright... The days alternate from Blue and Green.

For example, yesterday was a blue day, so I had all of the classes that are written in blue. Today was a green day, and I had all the classes written in green. Tomorrow will be another blue day, after that a green day - so on, so forth.

Geometry is written in blue-green because it's 5th period, and that makes it a very special period. Not only do I have it every day, but it also decides when I eat lunch.

I didn't include the rooms on the table, but every class is in a different sub-school. South Lakes has four subschooles; Yellow, Orange, Blue, and Green. Each sub-school houses different classes. There's also a visual art wing and a music wing.

So what does this have to do with 5th Period? If my 5th Period class was to be in the Blue or Orange sub-school, or the Music wing, I would have A lunch. Alas, my 5th period class is in the Blue sub-school, which has B lunch (along with Yellow, the Art Wing, and Autoshop)

Along with classes, sub-schools house lockers. Your grade depends on what color locker you have. Green is Freshmen, Blue is Sophmores, Orange is Juniors, and Yellow is Seniors.

Just because you're a Freshman does not mean your classes are in the green sub-school. It doesn't work that way.

Yes, it's confusing.

So now that I've taught you about the layout of my school and my hectic schedule, why don't I tell you more about my teachers?

I believe my history teacher is a goddess in disguise.

I've always had trouble with assigned writing. I have a keen sense of when and where a paragraph should end. I know paragraph structure like the back of my hand. It's etched so deeply in my mind that I write perfectly fine paragraphs. Only... they aren't always 4 or 5 paragraphs long.

I know essay structure almost as well as I know paragraph structure, and the same thing happens - I normally say everything I want to say in less than 5 paragraphs.

Mrs. Jeter stressed 4-5 sentances per paragrah, 5 paragraphs per essay. It was tough for me, and my essays often ended up sounding choppy because of it.

Ms. Croon said that we should just write naturally. Essays still need to be at least 3 paragraphs long, but heck, I can pull that off easy.

I bow to her.

I have a bone to pick with whoever came up with Cornell notes.

My Geometry teacher insists we take all our notes in Cornell Note form. I was forced to use Cornell notes all of last year in english, and I'll tell you - I hate it. I loath it. I'd tear up every last page of Cornell notes I had, only that be even more a waste of paper than it was to begin with.

Okay... Cornell notes take up a massive amount of paper for such little writing involved. I do much better with regular notes and a highlighter.

So this is how I will continue to do my Geometry notes. Mrs. Christman cannot tell me how to take my notes. I know the way I learn best, and it sure as hell isn't by wasting half a sheet of paper.

I can write summaries, draw spiffy little diagrams, and quiz myself just as easily with my style notes as anyone can with Cornell notes. All the upsides of Cornell with a bonus - no wasted trees! I think I win.

[By the way, this isn't all about saving trees (although that is a big part of it); it's about not letting my teacher dictate over the way I choose to learn. She's got enough power in the classroom; my notes are my business, dammit, and I'll write them the way I want to.]

I was assigned my first project of the year today, and it's due friday. Nothin' big, just a poster I have to do for Spanish. Spanish 3. In a class of 28 there are three Freshmen; Me, Michelle, and Winter.

Alright, so we create a poster about ourselves... then Dr. Collada hangs them up around the room... we come in, and decide which poster belongs to who.

Um... help?

I know two other people in that room; the rest aren't even in my grade. It's not like I can go up to them in the locker commons and ask them which poster is theirs. Nah-uh; that'd totally fuck up the social space rule. Freshies stay in the green section. Sophmores are allowed only in Blue and Green; Juniors in Orange, Green, and Blue; and Seniors anywhere they damn well please.

Well... maybe not, but it sure as heck feels that way.

Besides... Green is a cool color.

Alright. I'm off to get started on Project: Collage.


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








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[Deviant Art]



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music|I Something by Marilyn Manson