Care for a bit of tragedy? Alright. You've seen it in the movies, you've seen it in cartoons... it's actually rather clich� by now, but honestly, I never thought that it would actually happen in real life.

Ever since I got my renewed perscription acne medicine, I have had a beautiful complexion (brag, brag, brag), and no reason for concealer (I rarely wear it anyway). So I wake up at 6:00 this morning (after a mere two hours of sleep, but that's another story [link! click!]) and stumble drunkly to my bathroom (I always walk like a drunk in the mornings) to brush my teeth and wash my face... wake up, you know. I stare blankly at my reflection for a moment before realizing there's a gigantic zit on my nose. The first one in weeks! Weeks! I don't panic, I just think Aw, no big deal. I'll dab some concealer on it and I'll be fine. But of course, in months of disuse, my concealer has been misplaced. So I start the first day of school with a zit (not too noticeable... or so I'd like to believe) on my nose.

Go figure.

Ah, yes. Sleepless night. It happens every school year, pretty much. ... On second though, it lasts through the summer as well. It's just that in the summer I can go to sleep whenever I feel tired; no limits on when I can and cannot sleep (blessed freedom). Now that there's a bit more structure to my life, my insomnia kicks in and works double-time. When I looked at my clock before I got to sleep the blaring red panel red 4:00.

Well, so much for an early bedtime.

Oddly enough, I felt perfectly energized until after I walked home from school (I missed my bus!). Then I pretty much crashed. I wanted to take a nap soooo badly, but that would just promise another sleepless night.

Instead I talked mom into buying me a frappuccino. That got me through my homework, but I can feel it starting to wear off.

Dustin and Mom have both suggested various things to help me sleep better, but I'm such a lazy person, I just want to pop pills and get it over with. I don't want tea. No warm milk, either. And I definitely don't want to go get more excercise.

Mom's decided that cutting my online time will also help. Now I get off at 8:00 sharp and read until I get tired.

Thank you, mom. You're killing two birds with one stone there; killing my addiction, and... um... alright, so you're killing one bird with one stone.

Mom took my lighter today to light the grill. I don't think she's planning on giving it back.

I accidently left it in my pocket and it went through the drier... that could have been really, really bad.

Then I put it on my shelf next to my gigantic hair spray can. Oops. Mom saw that, too. I changed shelves quick-like, though.

I'm not sure if I really want it back. That thing's likely to just get me in trouble, or get someone hurt. I'm not exactly the most coordinated person, and I'm definitely not the most lucky in most aspects. Uncoordination + unluckiness + lighter = major boo-boos.

Alright, so it's 8 o'clock.

I guess I have to go read now.


(Hmm... I'm really good at ending these)


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








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[Deviant Art]



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music|I Something by Marilyn Manson