So here I am, happily eating an amazingly big raisin wannabe-donut thing, totally covered in glaze, ignoring the fact that I've already gained 6 pounds this summer and indulging myself anyway.

To wash it down I bought myself a Sprite Remix.

Alright. So there are some pros to being a female.

"Mom. I need a donut with an amazingly high calorie count and a really sugary, really sweet carbonated drink right now."

"Honey, are you pre-menstrual?"

"Now mom. NOW."

In any event... I got my donut with an amazingly high calorie count as well as a really sugary, really sweet carbonated drink.

I didn't even have to pay for it.

This totally makes up for my ice creamless night last night, although I'll probably hate myself next week.

My mom has taken to randomly asking me if I'm thinking about Dustin. Of course, everytime she asks the answers yes, so she decided to test me today (sneaky sneaky!)

Mom: "What're you thinking about?"

But I was too smart for her.

"What do you think I'm thinking about, mom?"

Mom: "Dustin?"


Mom: "What did you used to think about before you thought about Dustin?"

That got me. I sat there staring out the window for about three minutes, racking my brain.

I haven't always been 'fixated' on Dustin (to quote mom)... so what did I used to think about?

I didn't remember. I still can't remember.

So today is officially my last day of freedom. Starting tomorrow, Ness will be an enslaved soul, forced by the government to toil away, shuffled between confined, windowless classes, each overlooked by an equally uncaring warden.

And there I will stay from 7:20AM until 2:10PM.

So what would one do on their last day of summer vacation?

I would imagine sleep, or maybe go out for one last lazy walk in the summer heat.

Me, I'm staying online pretty much all day, at least until I have to go mow the lawn. Damn lawn.

So see, it really isn't any different from the rest of my summer...

Although I did try to get up uber-early this morning, trying to reprogram my brain and my sleeping schedule - but to no avail. I woke up at 7:20 this morning - about an hour and 20 minutes after I should be waking up.

A little bit of an unpleasant jump, no?

Oh well. It shouldn't be that hard.

The hardest part of tomorrow may be figuring out which day we're on - a blue day or a green day. The one class I have each day is Geometery, so I know I'll be having that class at least. As for the rest, it varies with the days.

I do vaguely remember my Biology teacher saying that she'd see us on Wednsday, and I have her on Green Days... so perhaps tomorrow is a Blue Day? Mmwell. Regardless, I'll find out. I'll bring half of the binders I've put together and stash them in my locker (provided they fit in the damn thing). It's not like I need anything tomorrow anyway.

This year I've decided NOT to get my TI-83 stolen!


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








And here...

[Deviant Art]



[hosted by]


music|I Something by Marilyn Manson