So now I can say I've done something at least semi-productive this summer (not including beginning my army of Seltzer cans).

Honestly, I didn't do this layout from scratch. I'm not that good at HTML. I stole it from the usual Livejournal layout, flipped around the picture and the entry, redid the colors, and got rid of a few things. You know, that was a pain to do, too. I was drowning in HTML.

Really, it almost killed me.

I think I've found a breeder for my Congro African Grey parrot. She seems really nice, but I'm a little wary... she's new at breeding (I believe this is her second CAG brood), and it looks to me like she 'force weans' her little birds, and she asked if I wanted an unweaned bird (which of course I don't)... all three signs point in the direction of a less-than-good breeder.

Maybe I'll just stick to the local breeder.

Speaking of which, as soon as mom gets the rental car (no Explorer this time), I'll go to the breeder and take a look at the cages, the birds, and ask a few questions.

I can finally feel it; school is right around the corner (actually it's five streets down...).

The orientation yesterday was a blast, actually. It was awesome seeing everybody again, and my teachers look fun. 'course, this is PreIB, so there's going to be piles upon piles of homework.

I spent 10 minutes in each of my classes, figured out how the lunch schedule went, and met up with some old friends.

10 minutes each and already I can tell you the personalities of my teachers.

PE// Easily distracted; has that caring-but-senile grandma personality.

Geography// Overly-energetic; is waaayyy to ready for school to begin.

English// Hidden grouch; tried too hard to be nice.

Spanish// Motherly (nearing an embarassing state); wants to know when something's wrong, what's wrong, and offers us hand movements to tell her so

Geometery// Ditzy; has waayyy too much energy, and an odd obsession with compasses and protractors.

Biology// Science-teacher-ish; is gonna make us disect things! (Duh, but... it's enough)

Art// Full-time soccer mom; teaches art, but her true passion is soccer, and her son Max's travel soccer team (as she said every three minutes).

Yes. This is going to be a fun year.

Leah's home! Welcome back Leah, I missed you!

(Want to meet Leah? Go here... quick, before she locks it up!)

Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








And here...

[Deviant Art]



[hosted by]


music|I Something by Marilyn Manson