We took the LIRR to Penn Station, where we caught the Subway, got off at 8th street, crossed over to St. Marc's Place, and had one hell of a time.

I spent around $120 on all sorts of shit. A niiiiiiice little handbag (even though I don't really use those, I might have to start just because this one is so freaking cool - the strap has eyelets all up and down it, chains hanging off the sides, and a lock/key near the top), PJ pants with a skull and crossbone thinger on it, a spiked bracelet with chains dangling off it (which, by the way, I bought for 8 bucks, even though it was selling for 15-16 bucks elsewhere), a t-shirt that says "I fucked your girlfriend" (I LOVE IT -dies-), UK shoes that're black with red skull/crossbones on the back, and... that's it.

If you're ever down in NYC go to St Marc's and GO TO FREAKS! Best fucking store down there. T&V closed early (what kinda alternative store closes at 9!?), so that was a little disapponting, but yeah.

Weelll... I've got family to be with, so I'll write again later.


Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








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[Deviant Art]



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music|I Something by Marilyn Manson