(Thanks for lettin' me steal your survey, Rob :3)


Name:: Vanessa

Eye Color:: Green-grey

Hair Color:: Blonde

Hair Style:: Boring.

Birthday:: 01-02-1989

Heritage:: All of Europe. Try me.

Religion:: (I like that - discordian XD) Christian. Methodist. Boardering on agnostic.

Age:: 15

Skin Color:: Bright blue. -.-

.::Currently You're::.

Seeing:: A computer moniter?

Feeling:: Ecstatic, although exhausted.

Hearing:: Brody <3

Talking To:: No one

Eating:: Nothing

Drinking:: Seltzer

Wearing:: Altered AFI tee, camo shorts

.::Relation Ships::.

Single or Taken:: Taken, bitches.

Crush/gf or bf:: Boyfriend ^^

Their Name:: Ilya

What do you like best about them:: Hm, his laugh?

Why are you attracted to them:: A billion reasons, and I'm finding more everyday.

.::Last Person That::.

IMed you:: It was either Over or Shelby.

Yelled At You:: Mm.. Ish, maybe?

Hugged You:: Leah

Kissed You:: Um

Said Your Name:: -thinks- Mom or Dad.

Stared At You:: OHOHOH... I dunno. Miles?

Laughed At/With You:: Miles


Band(s):: Distillers, Dead Kennedys, early AFI, Greenday, Bad Religion, Avenged Sevenfold, Minor Threat/Teen Idles, FUGAZI... mm... The Who... yadda.

Game(s):: Final Fantasy VII, Digimon World (bitches), FFX-S (PAINE O___O).

Movie(s):: Mm... Pirates of the Carribean, Edward Scissorhands... there's another, but I can't think of it.

Book(s):: Dragonflight (Anne McCaffery), and Magic's Pawn (Mercedes Lackey)

Friend(s):: XD Many... Ilya, of course, Miles, Leah, Ish, Tay, The Beccster, Meeka, Jazzmosis, Cee... more, I'm just tired XD

Song(s):: Cold (Static-X), Dissention (Orgy), Chapter Four (Avenged Sevenfold), Warning (Incubus), City of Angels (Distillers), Brainstew (Greenday), Soul Doubt/Stickin' In My Eye (NOFX), Crazy Train (Ozzy), Teenage Wasteland (The Who), that one by Modest Mouse that's all over the radio, Plead for Peace (Anti-Flag), etc

Tv/Cartoon/Anime Show(s):: Burn Up W, CSI (I don't watch much TV)

Food(s):: Mm.. fresh fruit (kiwi, baby!), pasta

Color(s):: Gray, mainly.

Website(s):: Gaia, Urban Collision (hell yes, Tay)

Drink(s):: Seltzer, Cream Soda, Sprite :3


Obesity:: You got more rolls than a bakery truck! Haha... Whatever. Sometimes it's generic, but otherwise, just do what you can.

Fidelity:: Isn't that the name of an American Girl?

Anorexic:: Starve yourself away to dust, my pretties...

Politics:: I plead ignorant.

Racism:: You're black, aren't you? I'm kidding. Uh... inevitable? Until we've interbred so much that we all look the same, there's always gonna be the tight-ass that thinks it's funny to make fun of the weird kid.

Homosexuals:: You guys rock my socks.

Bisexuals:: You guys rock my socks even more.

George W. Bush:: should probably go back to GRADE SCHOOL.

Abortion:: Touchy. I've written something about it before; go back and look at that.

Rape:: For. Get them all pregnant or diseased, just for a moment of pleasure! Yeah! And traumatize them for life, to boot! Oh, oh, I know! BEAT them afterwards, too! Yeah! ... Dickwad. -.-

.::Opinion on the band/singer::.

Good Charlotte:: Write in agony, bitches.

Madonna:: Too bad she ditched them pointy boobs.

Britney Spears:: Slut.

Lostprophets:: Mirr.

Black Sabbath:: Good stuff!

Blink 182:: Drown myself :3

Something Corporate:: EmoCORE, yo.

Evanescence:: ... Decent

Eminem:: Who said white boys can't rap?

Usher:: can't act for shit.

Yellowcard::, you have my permission to burn.

Hoobastank:: Pretty good.

Chevelle:: No. Just no.


Are you a guy or girl:: Girl with guyish tendencies.

5 things on your desk:: Hula-skirt wearing shark, snow leaopard beanie baby, dragon collection, Harry Potter 3 (English edition), picture of Ilya (framed :3)

5 cherished things in your room:: Bed, bass, amp, budgie, picture of Ilya (framed :3)


Best:: Mirr ^^ Many. :3

Smartest:: Becca, even if her processing speed is 2% over the average retard. XD I love you, Beccster. XD

Most Pretty:: Miles :3 XD

Funniest:: Miles, you insane little... XD

Sweetest:: Iwya :3

Most Generous:: Leah

Most Annoying:: -twitch- (Not Twitch XD)

Most Creative:: Everyone I met at IFTA.

Most Boring:: Uh... -shrugs-

Most Sad:: Ish. He mopes a lot.

Most Talkative:: Uh... -shrugs-

.::This or That::.

Dorritos or Cheetohs:: Cheetos

Cat or Dog:: Bunny. XD

Jolly Ranchers or Starburst:: Jolly Ranchers

Orange Juice or Apple Juice:: Oh... That's hard... orange?

Blonde or Brunette:: Blonde -flaunt- XD Actually, black. XD

Black or White:: ... Why do you think Grey is my favorite? I can't choose between the two.

Red or Blue:: Purple. XD

Japan or China:: Japan

Winter or Summer:: Autumn.

Halloween or Christmas:: HALLOWEEN, baby.

X-Box or PS2:: PS2!

MP3 or CDs:: Casettes. I jest; CDs.

Pants or Shorts:: Shorts, but the kind that go down to your ankles.

Real Life or Webcam:: O__o Webcam? Real life, yo.

Move it, will ya?

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