I don't know if anyone will ever see this. I don't much care one way or another if they do, but tossing this out on the 'net upps chances.

I live in America. I live in America, and I am profoundly ashamed of my country. We have tackled the subject of equality time and time again, and still we have yet to grasp the concept.

Homosexuality is NOT unnatural. Gay and lesbian pairings are found everywhere in nature; humans are NO exception. It is - bluntly put - stupid to deprive these people of a right offered to "normal" people. It is stupid. It is ignorant.

If, by some miracle, there is someone important reading this, then DO NOT undermine my intelligence because I'm 15. I might not know as much as you, but I was brought up morally. I know what's right and I know what's wrong. I was taught not to push kids in the sandbox. I was taught not to steal, not to lie, not to cheat.I was taught, especially, not to make fun of somebody just because they're different. Leaving somebody out of a game of "tag" just because they were a little chubby or had a nose like a smashed pear was wrong.

Maybe as we get older we look back at these lessons in their 'innocent' form; we fail to use a game of "tag" as a metahpor for real-world situations. Maybe 15 is a good age to take a step back and analyze our current situation. I remember playing "tag" with everyone, and have the ability to look at the real-world and make connections.

What we are doing right now is playing "tag" and leaving a few kids on the sidelines.

Marriage in today's world has long shed its religious shell. If marriage was a God-decreed union, there are quite a few other people who would be missing out; not everybody worships the Christian God. Now it has more political ties than religious ones, and then there's the label. "We love so much we've devoted ourselves to each other's well-being. Legally."

Now let's put God back in the picture for a moment. Even if America didn't allow "freedom of religion," doesn't God say - quite firmly - to treat our neighbors as ourselves? Is that not the reason He killed his own flesh and blood, His only son? Back to our quick "tag" metaphor. Those kids we left out? They live next to us. One of them even has the same shoes as us. Enter American beliefs - religion is no longer a factor.

America isn't an atheistic country, exactly, nor is it completely agnostic. As a country, it welcomes all religions. As a country, it follows no one religion. As a country, the god of one religion cannot enforce his ways on the followers of other religions.

That alleviates anything about anti-homosexuality from any religion practiced in the US. It also dilutes religious definitions of marriage.

Marriage is a bind between two people who love each other enough to dedicate their lives to their partner.

There is nothing outside of religious text that says a marriage can only occur between a male and a female.

Civil Union is nice. It's a nice attempt at a compromise. But you cannot compromise equality.

Either everyone should be allowed to get married, or no one should be allowed to.

Bias has no place in this. Either everyone plays tag, or no one does.

[Note: You might be wondering why I feel so strongly about this. There are two reasons, and both of them affet me very, very personally.

First and foremost, my very best friend is gay. I love him beyond anything. I would go to the end of the Earth and back for him, and I wouldn't complain once. I want to see him happy. I want to see him grow up, marry the man he loves, and adopt a little girl.

The second reason - I'm bisexual. I'm 15, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am bisexual. The potential for me to fall in love with a female and decide to marry her is there, and I would like marriage to be an open option.

Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








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