About yourself
Weight?:Around 170 lbs.
Height?:5'7" 5'8"ish
Hair Color?:Blonde, althought Ilya swears its light brown.
Eye Color?:Changes. Green, blue, green-blue, gray. You tell me.
Born in?:Same city I live in.
Now Live?:Same city I was born in.
Sexy?:Sure, why not.
Shy?:Not really.
Intrests?:A lot of things.
Right Or Left?:Right handed, left footed - my top half wants to turn right, my bottom half wants to turn life. Not really.
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger Kings?:Mickey Ds... Salads are more vegitarian friendly.
Rap or Rock?:Rock.
Chocolate or Vanilla?:Vanilla
Nike or Reebox?:Neither
Black or White?:Gray. :)
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony or NWA?:What?
Short or Tall?:Tall
Death or Life?:Death is like sleeping, right? And sleep is good... then again, I have to be alive to redecorate my room.
Burgers or Hot Dogs?:Neither,
Girls or Boys?:Neither.
Men or Women?:Both. :)
Do you...
Get high?:Nope.
Sing in tha shower?:Yeah.
Talk a lot?:Somewhat.
Believe in yourself?:Sort of.,
Hate this?:Not really.
Clean a lot?:Not really.
Argue a lot?:Only with my blood sibs.
Hate your parents?:Most definitely not.
Hate yourself?:Sometimes.
Hate me?:Do I know you?
Are you...
Tall?:Sort of. (You got me - I was expecting another label and typed No. at first)
In love?:Deeply.
Wierd?:Oh hell yes.
Your Friends
Craziest?:Miles or Liz. Or Chelsea. All of my friends are crazy!
Shortest?:Katherine, prolly.
Tallest?:Chelsea or Josh.
Smartest?:Hm... TJ, but he's more an acquaintence than a friend.
Blondest?:Me. :) Hm.. Nat. I mean, she acts blonde. For a brunette.
Kindest?:Ou, all of them. XD
Best Personality?:-snickers- If I told you, I'd be accused of favoritism. We don't want that!
Most Ghetto?:Jerrell, prolly. I love you, bro. XD
Most Punk?:Renee? Liz? One of the two.
Most Skater?:Hm. -shrugs-
Best to ask for advice?:Hm... Thrie.
Do you like short people?:Sure.
Are you thinkin of fun dip?:Um... no.
Do you know what fun dip is?:Yes.
Isn't Bone Thugs-N-Harmony Really cool?:... What the hell is that?
Do you love coke?:The drink or the drug?
Coke is good, huh?:The drink or the drug?
Do you make CDs?:Shhh.
Do you download music?:Legally. Sometimes.
Do you like Dave Chappelle?:Um...
Are you wonderin' when this is goin to end?:No. I can scroll down and guage the time. :p
Isn't This Fun?:... Yes.
Rap Artist?:Ew.
Rap Group?:Ew.
Hip Hop Artist?:Ew.
Hip Hop Group?:Ew.
No rap and hip hop isnt tha same thing.:... I wouldn't know.
Drink?:Gatorade, Sierra Mist.
Past time?:Listening to music whilst desgining clothes that defy all laws of physics.
Person?:... :) Again, I don't want to be accused of favor-AW heck. Ilya.
Ice Cream?:Nilla :D
Fast Food place?:Hm... I guess Yoko doesn't count, cus Sushi isn't really fast food. How about Mickey D's?
Movie?:Edward Scissorhands, The Ring (not the movie, just the tape they watch - so surrealistic!), Pirates of the Caribbean.
Place?:My room. Or Ilya's room... but we'll just say my room for right now.
Clothin?:The ones I make. Which at the moment is a bracelet. Sort of.
Do you love me?:Marry me!

BORED brought to you by BZOINK!

Working on a hoodie design I've had in my mind for ages. Interrupt me later.


Move it, will ya?

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[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








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music|I Something by Marilyn Manson