I knew I should have found a more cofortable reading position on the couch yesterday; my shoulders and neck ache like crazy. Sitting the floor hunched over a laptop isn't great for my back any, either. Regular rainy-day blues -- achey shoulders/back, sore throat. It's hard to believe that days like this are my favorite.

I finished all my homework except for the History essay I have to write... It's the 28th, so TECHNICALLY it isn't due 'till sunday... but obviously we don't have school on sunday, and therefore it was due wednsday, but I wasn't there, so... I'll e-mail it to her when I get home, I guess. Maybe I'll even get dad to lend me his laptop on the ride home. That'd make things easy. That and this thing plays DVDs; I have five more episodes to go in OLS.

Okay, before I forget, I need to give a quick shout out to someone. He just sent me the sweetest e-mail, despite his preferance for irl chats and the fact that a good 45% of the thing is dots. (...)

Tiggy-san, I couldn't ask for a better virtual-verbal hug, and I am immensely greatful for your support and reassurance.

One of these days I'm gonna kidnap you and keep you in my attic (don't worry; it's nice up there. We got rid of the mice and wasps a long time ago ;) ).

Well, it's the last day on Cape Cod, and the weather's definitely bidding us a cold farewell. Hopefully the ride home with be slightly more toleratable, considering the fact that all of us are plum exhausted and the kiddies will be sleeping a good portion of the time (if not, I can think of a few things to feed them...). That and a few other slight improvements over the conditions of the ride here...

Look at me. I'm so odd. I'm as peppy as I've ever been, despite having been... er... "dumped" (such a degrading word) by the love of my life a few days ago. I feel so confident, for whatever reason, that it isn't over yet, and I definitely haven't heard the last from him.

It scares me. The last time I felt this confident something very, very bad happened. Almost every time I feel confident about something or another, somethin' bad happens... and you wonder why I'm not as confident in myself as I prolly should be. Well, there ya go, I'm just a jinx with legs, I guess.

I finished Take a Thief. Good book. Skif's a favorite character of mine from Mrs. Lackey's Talia arc - he's a thief, and a damn good one at that. He's also very, very funny, and he has the coolest way of talking (Heyla!, for those of you who were wondering where I got that from ;)). I didn't know he became such close friends with Alberich, or however his name is spelled.

Well. Anyway. I still have Brightly Burning and Maus II to read, so I'll have to get more books when I get back home. ^^ I'm after The Mage Winds and the Oathsomethingorothers now. Yeehaw.

Okay, well, I'm gonna go read now. Till sunday, I guess...


Move it, will ya?

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music|I Something by Marilyn Manson