I'm so good at this, tricking myself into thinking I have free time. Great for de-stressing. Anyway.

I totally blew off Cee today. X.x Mind, I am NOT bragging about it - I feel bad, and it was really spur-of-the-moment-selfishness, and it's all my fault. I should have gone to the meeting today. But still, the defensive part of my brain nags...

"You've been to plenty of meetings before where she couldn't come" - ah yes, and keyword there: shouldn't. I was just being downright selfish. Continue, Akki-san... "... and besides, she knows everything that's going on, and she knows how to explain it; why does she need you there?" Hai, she knows everything, but then there's the matter of me NOT knowing everything, or NOT getting important forms to sign, or anything else like that. It could make our work needlessly more difficult, and I'm ready to take all the blame for it.

It's my fault!

I'm working out the layout for Virt.Asylum in my mind... and sad to say, it'll only be a splash page for a while. It'll link off to my other sites - DR, DAS, and good ol' Unlocked - and that's it until I can get a decent gallery up and running.

And, mind, a decent gallery needs decent pics. Oh well; I get all of my thanksgiving break to draw. No computer, no problem! ...

The End

Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








And here...

[Deviant Art]



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music|I Something by Marilyn Manson