Shit, I did it again!

I'm tryin' not to let personal stuff creep in to this diary, cus then it's badly written, frantic, and... not anything you all want to read.

I know.

So today I'm gonna talk about all the stuff I've won on Ebay in the last week (becuase I know you all find that so much more interesting than my actual life. ;p)

Really, though, that place is an Otaku's dream. I'm just waiting to get ripped off, though... juuuust waiting...

I've gotten two pairs of pants, a present for Leah (and seein' as she's likely to read this, I won't say what it is :x), D.N Angel Vol. 1, and all three OLS DVDs.

I'm so glad I'm reffing. If I wasn't, there'd be no way in hell I'd be able to pay for all this. And I feel kinda bad about using mom's credit card, too... Which is why she's gonna get me my own. Yeehaw!

So anyway, I gotta shower and tackle my homework.

If anyone's wondering, I'm probably gonna head back down to see Meet the Creeps again tonight, only I'll drag my whole family with me this time (I think they'd like it).

Dance, bitches! Dance!

Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








And here...

[Deviant Art]



[hosted by]


music|I Something by Marilyn Manson