My pants came to day. They are (and excuse the ghetto) TRIPPING. I'm not sure why I used that particular word, just that it sounds good and makes sense... you'd probably have to be me to understand.

Seriously, though.

It is overflowing with trippy (there it is again!) straps, belts, belt-loops and zippers, and all of it lined in glowy stuff. They're completely white and totaly blacklight respondant (wrong word... don't care). The only two things I'll have to keep in mind are

1) Don't go outside in them

2) NEVER wear them for the first week of every month. NEVER.

I'll let you figure those out.

Thanks to my obsession with EBay, I am now 13 dollars in debt.


And I have yet to get my OLS DVD set (there is no way in HELL I am giving that up). Right now it's at 5 bucks + S/H, but who knows what could happen in the next few days...

I'm also gonna start selling some stuff, seeing as I have boatloads of stuff I don't need.

First to get rid of Kare Kano.

A decent manga, but not my type.

Then to get rid of a few of my CDs - the ones I've listened to once then ignored all together.

And then my toaster... my dad's care... our house... my great-aunt's casket...


I tried drawing a little today, but I just can't. I don't know what to draw. Well, no, that's a lie. I know what to draw, I just can't choose.

Cloud, Kusanagi (whose name I finally remembered), Paine... so many! And Yuna's still a cyclops...

PSATs tomorrow. Not worried in the least - they count for squat at the moment.

Plus. We get out at 11:30. More Blue Seed (and I love how I almost typed BS) time.

The drama department did something way-spiffy this year. They've set up a haunted house in the Ultrazone place 'round here.

If you don't know what Ultrazone is, I pity you. It's a double-story building geared towards some mad laser-gun fights. Blacklights, strobe lights, loud music, shooting guns, glowy paints... It's like a rave crammed into a video game! Who couldn't like that!?

So anyway, they're renting out the entire arena to set up this haunted house, and from what I hear, it's gonna be great.

I'll have to review it later. I'm going in about 40 minutes to go check it out, and then I'm off to go shoe-shopping.

See ya.

Move it, will ya?

[trash] [archs] [now]

[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








And here...

[Deviant Art]



[hosted by]


music|I Something by Marilyn Manson