I actually have some time to write today... Wow.

First off, since I haven't done these in such a long time, a Friday Five.

1. Name five things in your refrigerator.

Reeeaallly old meatloaf (not even kidding), two gallons of milk, yogurt, OJ, and... um... oranges.

2. Name five things in your freezer.

Chocolate/Banana Brownie Ice Cream, Orange Serbet, frozen spinach, hot pockets, more hot pockets.

3. Name five things under your kitchen sink.

Highly poisonus house cleaners, all with various names doing basically the same thing; cleaning the house and killing pets. I know there's Windex in there somewhere.

4. Name five things around your computer.

Magic 8 Ball, tablet, piles upon piles of CDs, lava lamp (ou, retro), and a wooden manequine (-spelled so wrong)

5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet.

Let's see... nail clippers, a comb, blue hair gel (getting old now... almost a year old X.x), women's tylenol and regular tylenol.

Wow, I've got to go work on my homework soon. I have a bigass to-do list for this weekend.

First there's a soccer game on saturday at 2, another one on sunday at 1. I want... need to pick up some ref games this weekend; I'm so broke.

I got a ton of anime to watch. Alright, I lied, not a ton, but enough to keep me happy for a few hours. Blue Seed episodes 6-10, and Jasmine... no, sorry, BT... lent me the Cowboy Bebop Movie. I actually meant to go see that in theaters, but I never got around to it for whatever reason.

I went out and rented FFX again. I'm 40 minutes into the game already, if I haven't cleaned out my memory card recently...

Also, I have a pretty big list of things I want to draw. Finish Ms. Yuna, for example, then draw Paine (if I can find a good ref. pic of her - Jason took my EGM), KH Cloud, and... somebody else. I want to see if Kinko's enlarges and prints on glossy paper. I could make my own posters!

Finally, I MUST scan and upload some drawings. I've been on a mean drawing streak lately. Unfortunately that streak abandoned me mid-Yuna, so she'll have to sit around being a cyclops for a while.

... Oh yeah, speaking of Cyclops... I have ten chapters to read in The Odyessy. I have to find a Vet for the Sensitive Subject project. HOMEWORK is a BITCH.

In case you haven't looked at it already, look again - Dark Revelations. My best work yet, heavily influenced by some Grunge work I was looking at. I want to redo this layout; it needs some Grunge in it.

Well, it's Friday, and like always, we've ordered Pizza. I'm off to pig out and then work my ass off getting my homework done before the weekend really kicks into full gear. Already I envision a night full of pizza, Tidus, and that dude in Blue Seed whose name I can never remember.


It is going to be a good night.

Move it, will ya?

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[This] is me, and [this] is my hobby.

You can reach me via [e-mail] or [AIM].

Sure, I have friends.








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[Deviant Art]



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music|I Something by Marilyn Manson